Prayer times in Al giza

According to the government of Egypt,Fajr Prayer Times in Al+giza begin at 05:25 AM, Sunrise time at 06:51 AM, Dhuhr time at 12:43 PM, Asr time at 04:06 PM, Maghrib time at 06:35 PM, Isha Time at 07:53 PM.

Remaining Time Of --- Azan

Local Time in Egypt / Al giza
  • fajr
  • sunrise
  • dhuhr
  • asr
  • maghrib
  • isha

Monthly Prayer Times in Al giza

Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha

Qibla direction from Al giza

What is Fajr Prayer time in Al giza?

Fajr prayer time in Al giza starts at 05:25 AM for the all sunni muslims (Shafi, Hanbli, Malki, Hanfi). Fajr prayer consists of only 4 Rakats 2 of them are Farz and 2 are Sunnat.

What is Dhuhr Prayer time in Al giza?

Dhuhr consists of 12 Rakats , 4 are Farz, 4 are Sunnat, 2Nafl and 2 Sunnah. In city Al giza it’s time starts from 12:43 PM and ends just before the time of Asr at 04:06 PM.

What is Asr Prayer time in Al giza?

In Al giza city today Asr prayer time is at 04:06 PM and ends at 06:35 PM. Asr connsist of 8 Rakats 4 are Farz and 4 Nafl.

What is Maghrib Prayer time in Al giza?

Maghrib prayer time just starts with the end time of Asr 06:35 PM and ends just before the start time of Isha 07:53 PM. It consists of only 7 Rakats , 3 Farz, 2 Nafl and 2 Sunnah.

What is Isha Prayer time in Al giza?

In city Al giza Isha prayer time starts at 07:53 PM and ends at the start time of Fajr 05:25 AM.Isha consists of total 17 Rakats 4 Farz, 4 Sunna, 4 Nafl, 3 Witr and 2 Sunnat.

Prayer times in cities of Egypt