Prayer times in Kafr el dawwar
According to the government of Egypt,Fajr Prayer Times in Kafr+el+dawwar begin at 04:44 AM, Sunrise time at 06:13 AM, Dhuhr time at 11:40 AM, Asr time at 02:44 PM, Maghrib time at 05:06 PM, Isha Time at 06:26 PM.
Remaining Time Of --- Azan
Local Time in Egypt / Kafr el dawwar
- Fajar
- Sunrise
- Dhuhr
- Asr
- Maghrib
- Isha
Monthly Prayer Times in Kafr el dawwar
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Qibla direction from Kafr el dawwar
What is Fajr Prayer time in Kafr el dawwar?
Fajr prayer time in Kafr el dawwar starts at 04:44 AM for the all sunni muslims (Shafi, Hanbli, Malki, Hanfi). Fajr prayer consists of only 4 Rakats 2 of them are Farz and 2 are Sunnat.
What is Dhuhr Prayer time in Kafr el dawwar?
Dhuhr consists of 12 Rakats , 4 are Farz, 4 are Sunnat, 2Nafl and 2 Sunnah. In city Kafr el dawwar it’s time starts from 11:40 AM and ends just before the time of Asr at 02:44 PM.
What is Asr Prayer time in Kafr el dawwar?
In Kafr el dawwar city today Asr prayer time is at 02:44 PM and ends at 05:06 PM. Asr connsist of 8 Rakats 4 are Farz and 4 Nafl.
What is Maghrib Prayer time in Kafr el dawwar?
Maghrib prayer time just starts with the end time of Asr 05:06 PM and ends just before the start time of Isha 06:26 PM. It consists of only 7 Rakats , 3 Farz, 2 Nafl and 2 Sunnah.
What is Isha Prayer time in Kafr el dawwar?
In city Kafr el dawwar Isha prayer time starts at 06:26 PM and ends at the start time of Fajr 04:44 AM.Isha consists of total 17 Rakats 4 Farz, 4 Sunna, 4 Nafl, 3 Witr and 2 Sunnat.